Well Hello There!

I'm ashamed to say that I blog daily, and yet it's been nearly three months since I've logged in here. What a crumb. Ach mich, suffice it to say, life has been busy. Full of surprises around every corner, but God is always faithful to provide for our every need: physical, mental, emotional, spiritual, and financial, if we only seek His face. We've learned a lot about seeking His face in these past three months. Now, we are expecting the arrival of a tiny miracle any day now, but continue to plug away at business, and small custom orders in particular.
KumfyKozies is continuing to expand as well. We are now members of a brand new congo on HyenaCart called On the Other Side. The focus of OTOS is green. Green living, upcycling, natural parenting, and, well, the color green- my personal favorite.
Another new aspect of KumfyKozies is our FaceBook page! Many people have asked why we didn't have one, and I've never really had a reason- I just didn't. Now we do. Check it out, 'Like' us, and spread the KumfyKozies love!
We have a couple of brand new patterns, two of which are about to debut in a fantastic little set on Wednesday. The patterns themselves will have their own post (they're THAT awesome), but for now, a sneak peak. Snuggly, warm, tiny deliciousness on luxury yarn with owl cables and hand-crafted buttons make this a set you won't want to miss.


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