
After breakfast on Sunday morning, I got on the computer to check my email, my store, my Facebook- my usual morning routine. I went to a private group I am a member of an saw an ominous note left by one of my dear friends at 3am. She was 18 weeks pregnant, and something was not right. She thought her water may have broken. She and her husband were headed to the ER. Very long, painful story made short, there was nothing the doctors could do. Sunday morning, Steph had an emergency repeat c-section and delivered a very perfect little boy, weighing just 1/3 of a pound. They were able to hold their boy until he passed, and a gracious photographer with Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep came and took photos for them (some NILMDTS photographers won't come before 22 weeks).
As a result of this tragedy, Stephanie and Dan are left with broken hearts, outrageous medical expenses, and the unexpected costs of laying their tiny boy to rest. For the next week (or two), I am turning my store into an auction site for them. Numerous incredible small businesses and work-at-home-women have donated items to be auctioned off, and 100% of the proceeds will go to Steph and Dan to help pay these unexpected bills. If you are able, please bid.


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